Monday, February 22, 2016

Burnt Onion Dust

Hey everyone. Tonight I have a Burnt Onion Dust recipe for you. Like last weeks beets, this is just as simple. This recipe though is only an introduction to a few other things coming this week. So if you want to be a part of this culinary journey with me, then lets go.

The Burnt Onion Dust was very fun. Despite being burnt to a crisp, it still has the taste if onions. But the bitterness doesn't overcome the flavor .

You're going to need a broiler, so turn it on first.

Peel your onions and cut them into rings as thin as you can. The thinner they are the faster the process of burning them will be. Once you've sliced them, place in the pan then in your broiler.

My onions took 45 minutes. Yours should take the same or less. Check them every fifteen minutes, carefully take out the ones that are already burnt.

Once everything is burnt to a crisp, allow them to cool down before you blend them. Put in blender and let it go until everything is a powder like consistency*.

Make sure you keep them in a dry air tight container.

This will be all for today, Later on this week I'll show you what we can do with our new little condiment

*If they aren’t totally dry it will cause lumping and moisture to the powder when blending

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